Law Firm Practice


In the post-recession law firm, it is more important than ever for lawyers to excel at new business development — to become partners, to retain equity status and to contribute to the profitable growth of the firm.

Most lawyers are not natural rainmakers. But all lawyers can move up the business development performance curve with training that recognizes their unique skills, experience and practice focus – and with trainers who understand the legal profession.

Our experts work with lawyers at all levels individually or in groups to:

  • Draft personalized, practical business development plans
  • Increase business development success rates
  • Sell more work to existing clients
  • Identify potential new clients and referral sources
  • Optimize internal cross-selling opportunities
  • Become more effective at meetings with potential clients
  • Improve client service and retention efforts
  • Develop and communicate a personal brand

Our training is customized, practical, and focused on getting tangible results. It includes:

Customized Interactive Workshops

Lawyers will learn practical skills and useful tools that can be applied immediately to increase the frequency and success rate of their marketing activities. At the same time, they will begin to build customized plans that identify individual business development opportunities.

Personal Implementation Coaching

Ongoing follow-up coaching reinforces new concepts learned during the workshop, establishes solid habits and keeps lawyers focused on accomplishing their goals. The coach acts as strategist, teacher, and sounding board to help each lawyer prepare for upcoming opportunities, brainstorm new approaches and stay on track.

How You Benefit

Your lawyers will develop new marketing, selling and client service skills and behaviors; learn how to identify the best business development opportunities; and, generate more revenue for your law firm.

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