Law Department Articles

Best Practices of City and County Civil Law Offices

Those responsible for leading law departments of government entities face challenges in managing their legal staffs and departments — along with outside counsel — effectively. At Altman Weil, all our consulting is to law offices and legal organizations, of course, including years of experience consulting to federal, state and local government legal agencies. Over the past three or four years alone, our consultants have helped agencies such as the Legal Department for the City of Houston, the Corporation Counsel’s Office for the City of Chicago, the Philadelphia City Solicitor’s Office, the Los Angeles County Counsel’s Office, and the City Attorney’s Offices of Oakland, California and San Antonio, Texas. In such offices we see the pressures and challenges of practicing law in a high volume environment, with a limited budget, where there is a tremendous amount of public scrutiny.

Based on the work we have done with city and county civil law offices, we have identified promising management reforms implemented by these public entities. This article will highlight these best practices.

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